Silky - Japanese saws for gardeners, fruit grower, builders, Foresters, arborists, carpenters, hobbies and outdoor activities
Um Kogyo Inc. Japan is a specialist in Producing hand saws since 1919th Over the years, this is still a family company, has created a unique market position and the saws are Considered the best in the world. Some refining production, the perception of every detail, using only the finest materials, traditional Japanese practices and quantity of ITS own proprietary enhancements to guarantee a perfect function of each loop product. Nowadays contains Silky series of More than 100 models of saws, among Which chooses the right one for everyone. Silky saws Used by professional ARBORIS, loggers, Foresters, gardeners, hunters, carpenters, rescue teams, outdoor enthusiasts or need some special units of the Armies. It Is Said That Those Who once saw tries from Silky, never to return for Another brand.
1919 - The Japanese Kisho province based Katsuji Miyawaki workshop for the manufacture of hand saws. In a famous cutlery area decides to Produce The Best Possible saw.
In the postwar period in the his work with Continued by the his son Uichi Miyawaki, WHO Sawmills Applies many innovative solutions and Silky is gradually Becoming a class for Themselves.
In the '70s Silky Developing a revolutionary machine for cutting blade saws and Their sharpness and stamina Becomes incomparable to others.
In the 80s Silky Develops ITS own sawtooth Which names four-Retsume and Mirai-Me. Due to the absence of divorce saw (Šrank) and the unique shape of the tooth with a total of four cutting edges (instead of one) reach new saws for cutting very impressive results and Become the clear number one choice for professional users.
The 1985 models Were Introduced Gomtaro and Gomboy, Where It Was First Used on the handles of high quality rubber.
Tool control in Difficult conditions with improved by one percent. Also Saw received international awards for design excellence and a new system of folding saws Gomboy set new standards of folding saws.
The turn of the 20th and 21st century, Then Silky carries a Significant Strengthening of the Corporate Identity and the introduction of many new beautiful Sawmills, Which stands for unsurpassed technology sawtooth-4-Retsume and Mirai-Me. What Remains constant for Decades, with the perfect organization of work, the traditional, secret or proprietary Often Procedures, purchase components from only the best Suppliers of Japanese and particularly the of amount of manual work and passion, Which is Contained in each loop pile.
The Japanese understand and honor the trees as a symbol of nature, from Which we came.
From this stems the desire for perfection Which instruments are about trees and wood Generally cares. Only a perfectly smooth and thin cut with a ENSURE a rapid recovery of woody tissue and minimizes the risk of disease. Users drank Silky These properties can appreciate and pass on Them to other potential users. This ensures long-term continuous growth of the company Um Kogyo Inc., Which Has Almost 100 years puts an honor to be a manufacturer of quality and original Silky saws.
Basic material
If the blade material is made of mild steel, cutting emotionally pleasing, but there is a problem with the rapid wear of the material. If the material is very hard, cutting resistance is due in wood and vibration Feels less comfortable, material wear is low, but due to Reduced elasticity in turn leads to fractures droughts blades. Silky Combines the Advantages of Both Principles. Steel for the manufacture of blades SAE 1095 C contains a high percentage of carbon. OTHERWISE, spring steel and is due to carbon and high durability. Further this is perfected by a specific heat treatment process, Which along with PRECISELY Defined process cooling blades Gives drank Silky unique characteristics. The blade can bend into an arc Necessary, and upon release That goes without deformation ITS's original shape, all During the service life of up to three times longer Than Conventional saws. Combining the good Qualities of hard and soft steel is so perfected.
Laser cutting the basic form
After the Treated steel base, the shape of each loop blade carved on precision laser machines. Dates are naturally Stored in the machine, so a change to the model depending on the demand is very fast.
Concave grinding and polishing
Here, the final shape of the sheet takes a specific form. This part of the process, Which is Also Very Important for the final characteristics of saws, is still shrouded in mystery, and Even long-time Customers Silky not all the details of the procedure Introduced. They are special grindstones a single region, Which Gives unique properties of stones and Even whole process of final polishing is unusual. Polishing is combined with special dipping oil baths. The result of this process is the perfect surface and Slightly concave shape of the leaves, Which minimizes friction sawing wood and Reduces significantly the overall effort When cutting.
Application of micro-layer chrome
Applying a very thin layer of chromium on the blade Further enhances the strength characteristics saws, increases resistance against corrosion and the effects of the resin.
grinding teeth
Teeth grinding places extraordinary Demands on precision, Because The shape of the teeth, Which uses Silky, Gives it unique properties saws. Normally, the teeth on handheld saws only one cutting edge on all Sawmills Silky refer teeth with four cutting edges.
High-frequency electro-pulse Allegations teeth
Unlike Conventional saws Which Either claim of teeth not used or in the inductive claim of cured whole tooth with a large Portion of the blade, Silky uses a very Precise method of Claim in Which They are Heated and cured only teeth alone or Even just part of the tooth , Where The adjustment is Desirable. The result is still the same flexibility of the blade plate, high resistance to tooth breakage and, thanks to the method of Claim and three times longer blades Than standard tooth saws.
Unique teeth Mirai-Me and 4-Retsume
In the Conventional saws have teeth two tasks:
First cut the cell wall of wood
Second Pay Sawdust
Thanks to grinding my teeth Silky four cutting edges (not just one) and saw THUS Silky fulfills Another Important Role in Addition - Cuts the Longitudinal and transverse fibers. These are Conventional drinking Often Causes it to overwhelm Their teeth and saw cuts significantly worse. Therefore, the teeth on the saw Conventional machines Further apart to pay enough fiber. Because I saw Silky Able to cope with fiber, it can be equipped with saw far larger number of teeth - an obvious result is a faster cutting with less effort.
Teeth are Silky saws saw no divorce (Šrank). Conventional saws with teeth are distributed to the sides (the teeth are bent alternately to one and the other side). This greatly increases the cutting width. This is Mainly Because The sheet is pinched saw in the material. Teeth Silky saws Operate Differently. The teeth are ground Directly on a narrow blade plate and not divorced. About not that be saw plate strangulated cares unique concave blade.
The result of this unique technology is significantly narrower profile of the Entire blade, and a whopping 50% cut narrower Than a traditional saw. It Also Means That a chain saw to cut through 50% fewer cells of wood and cutting is the result of a lot easier.
Another benefit is Important Then cut himself and perfect purity. For gardeners, This Means significantly faster wound healing in wood for carpenters and much cleaner and more Precise cut without Burrs.
For cutting dry wood or woody plants with low water content in the cells (oak, apple) Silky recommends 13 to 32 teeth per 3 cm long teeth. For wood with large cells containing a large of amount of water (water is incompressible, so the need for Greater Space Between the Teeth) Ideally with 6.5 to 13 teeth per 3 cm.
Silky has two basic shapes of the blade. Straight, suited more to cut from the shoulders down and hooked, Which is preferable if most of the time you cut above shoulder level.
Mirai-Me (Bridge Silky saws)
best grip
With some exceptions, When The handle Silky saws made of steel or aluminum, Silky Used to handle special rubber material - GOM. It has Several Major Advantages. Feels to the touch, this surface is very pleasant, Even in cold weather pleasantly warm and pliable surface thanks to handle pressuring Even after working all day. Furthermore Even slip in sweaty hands, Which in turn has a beneficial effect on the Entire conduit saws and Henco safety. The handle Also effectively absorbs vibrations Which Arise During cutting.
An Important feature Silky saws Is that saw the body extends in one piece through the Entire handle to the end. So never danger of breaking the blade edge at the Beginning of the handle, as some other drink, and Also When cutting Consists of a whole saw solid unit, Which does not bend in the handle. Checking the saw while cutting is so perfect.
When disassembling the handle changing the saw blade is ook Easily solved, and every user can handle Easily this operation alone.
Flawless ergonomics
In traditional saws sawing away from the body (pressure). In this cutting method Takes Mainly triceps, but in a different way from the usual nature of the his work. Work with time and after Becomes very tedious and Reduces the level of control. Additionally, the angle Between the Forearm, wrist and saw ergonomically awkward and increases the risk of inflammation of the carpal tunnel and called. Tennis elbow. For Silky saws to cut saws going on the road towards the body (tension). In this manner, cutting angles Between tool and arm ergonomically much better and moreover Takes Up The Strongest muscle in the arm - biceps. Work is so much less tiring Even after prolonged use.
The narrow profile of the blade, moreover, must be cut significantly less material Than other saws, Resulting in not only less friction but Also the vibration reduction up to 80%. Another Influence on the reduction of vibrations has a carbon Contained in the steel, Which absorbs vibrations. The result is less muscle fatigue Than Conventional When using saws.
The exemplary ergonomics and feel perfect at work, of course, contributes to the actual shape of the handle and the material from Which the handle is made. In many folding saws Silky moreover Regards the angle Between the handle and the saw blade set in two positions so as to position at different cutting methods as natural as possible.
Cutting with a saw Silky is very easy. At saw no need to push, it is better to let the sawmill alone and let the games do the work. Silky Saws Became the winner of Numerous comparative tests of hand saws (in our example. D-Test Magazine 2/2013).
easy maintenance
Teeth Silky saws distribute or May Not Even grind (Mirai-me). Even so; they last three times longer Than Conventional saws. Can grind your teeth only on some selected models with teeth 4-Retsume. Also proposition sharp teeth but last three times longer Than usual.
To clean the blade from resin residues gentle enough to use a solvent, And Then wipe with a cloth strip with a drop of oil. Sawmill keep in housing and protect it in storage before the long-term effects of moisture.
WIDEST selection
This catalog includes a range of the most commonly Used saws. Silky has however offer More than 100 models of saws (fixed, foldable, telescoping) with the length of the blade from 13 to 50 cm. If you are interested in any of the sawmill, just contact your dealer.
Um Kogyo Inc. Japan is a specialist in Producing hand saws since 1919th Over the years, this is still a family company, has created a unique market position and the saws are Considered the best in the world. Some refining production, the perception of every detail, using only the finest materials, traditional Japanese practices and quantity of ITS own proprietary enhancements to guarantee a perfect function of each loop product. Nowadays contains Silky series of More than 100 models of saws, among Which chooses the right one for everyone. Silky saws Used by professional ARBORIS, loggers, Foresters, gardeners, hunters, carpenters, rescue teams, outdoor enthusiasts or need some special units of the Armies. It Is Said That Those Who once saw tries from Silky, never to return for Another brand.
1919 - The Japanese Kisho province based Katsuji Miyawaki workshop for the manufacture of hand saws. In a famous cutlery area decides to Produce The Best Possible saw.
In the postwar period in the his work with Continued by the his son Uichi Miyawaki, WHO Sawmills Applies many innovative solutions and Silky is gradually Becoming a class for Themselves.
In the '70s Silky Developing a revolutionary machine for cutting blade saws and Their sharpness and stamina Becomes incomparable to others.
In the 80s Silky Develops ITS own sawtooth Which names four-Retsume and Mirai-Me. Due to the absence of divorce saw (Šrank) and the unique shape of the tooth with a total of four cutting edges (instead of one) reach new saws for cutting very impressive results and Become the clear number one choice for professional users.
The 1985 models Were Introduced Gomtaro and Gomboy, Where It Was First Used on the handles of high quality rubber.
Tool control in Difficult conditions with improved by one percent. Also Saw received international awards for design excellence and a new system of folding saws Gomboy set new standards of folding saws.
The turn of the 20th and 21st century, Then Silky carries a Significant Strengthening of the Corporate Identity and the introduction of many new beautiful Sawmills, Which stands for unsurpassed technology sawtooth-4-Retsume and Mirai-Me. What Remains constant for Decades, with the perfect organization of work, the traditional, secret or proprietary Often Procedures, purchase components from only the best Suppliers of Japanese and particularly the of amount of manual work and passion, Which is Contained in each loop pile.
The Japanese understand and honor the trees as a symbol of nature, from Which we came.
From this stems the desire for perfection Which instruments are about trees and wood Generally cares. Only a perfectly smooth and thin cut with a ENSURE a rapid recovery of woody tissue and minimizes the risk of disease. Users drank Silky These properties can appreciate and pass on Them to other potential users. This ensures long-term continuous growth of the company Um Kogyo Inc., Which Has Almost 100 years puts an honor to be a manufacturer of quality and original Silky saws.
Basic material
If the blade material is made of mild steel, cutting emotionally pleasing, but there is a problem with the rapid wear of the material. If the material is very hard, cutting resistance is due in wood and vibration Feels less comfortable, material wear is low, but due to Reduced elasticity in turn leads to fractures droughts blades. Silky Combines the Advantages of Both Principles. Steel for the manufacture of blades SAE 1095 C contains a high percentage of carbon. OTHERWISE, spring steel and is due to carbon and high durability. Further this is perfected by a specific heat treatment process, Which along with PRECISELY Defined process cooling blades Gives drank Silky unique characteristics. The blade can bend into an arc Necessary, and upon release That goes without deformation ITS's original shape, all During the service life of up to three times longer Than Conventional saws. Combining the good Qualities of hard and soft steel is so perfected.
Laser cutting the basic form
After the Treated steel base, the shape of each loop blade carved on precision laser machines. Dates are naturally Stored in the machine, so a change to the model depending on the demand is very fast.
Concave grinding and polishing
Here, the final shape of the sheet takes a specific form. This part of the process, Which is Also Very Important for the final characteristics of saws, is still shrouded in mystery, and Even long-time Customers Silky not all the details of the procedure Introduced. They are special grindstones a single region, Which Gives unique properties of stones and Even whole process of final polishing is unusual. Polishing is combined with special dipping oil baths. The result of this process is the perfect surface and Slightly concave shape of the leaves, Which minimizes friction sawing wood and Reduces significantly the overall effort When cutting.
Application of micro-layer chrome
Applying a very thin layer of chromium on the blade Further enhances the strength characteristics saws, increases resistance against corrosion and the effects of the resin.
grinding teeth
Teeth grinding places extraordinary Demands on precision, Because The shape of the teeth, Which uses Silky, Gives it unique properties saws. Normally, the teeth on handheld saws only one cutting edge on all Sawmills Silky refer teeth with four cutting edges.
High-frequency electro-pulse Allegations teeth
Unlike Conventional saws Which Either claim of teeth not used or in the inductive claim of cured whole tooth with a large Portion of the blade, Silky uses a very Precise method of Claim in Which They are Heated and cured only teeth alone or Even just part of the tooth , Where The adjustment is Desirable. The result is still the same flexibility of the blade plate, high resistance to tooth breakage and, thanks to the method of Claim and three times longer blades Than standard tooth saws.
Unique teeth Mirai-Me and 4-Retsume
In the Conventional saws have teeth two tasks:
First cut the cell wall of wood
Second Pay Sawdust
Thanks to grinding my teeth Silky four cutting edges (not just one) and saw THUS Silky fulfills Another Important Role in Addition - Cuts the Longitudinal and transverse fibers. These are Conventional drinking Often Causes it to overwhelm Their teeth and saw cuts significantly worse. Therefore, the teeth on the saw Conventional machines Further apart to pay enough fiber. Because I saw Silky Able to cope with fiber, it can be equipped with saw far larger number of teeth - an obvious result is a faster cutting with less effort.
Teeth are Silky saws saw no divorce (Šrank). Conventional saws with teeth are distributed to the sides (the teeth are bent alternately to one and the other side). This greatly increases the cutting width. This is Mainly Because The sheet is pinched saw in the material. Teeth Silky saws Operate Differently. The teeth are ground Directly on a narrow blade plate and not divorced. About not that be saw plate strangulated cares unique concave blade.
The result of this unique technology is significantly narrower profile of the Entire blade, and a whopping 50% cut narrower Than a traditional saw. It Also Means That a chain saw to cut through 50% fewer cells of wood and cutting is the result of a lot easier.
Another benefit is Important Then cut himself and perfect purity. For gardeners, This Means significantly faster wound healing in wood for carpenters and much cleaner and more Precise cut without Burrs.
For cutting dry wood or woody plants with low water content in the cells (oak, apple) Silky recommends 13 to 32 teeth per 3 cm long teeth. For wood with large cells containing a large of amount of water (water is incompressible, so the need for Greater Space Between the Teeth) Ideally with 6.5 to 13 teeth per 3 cm.
Silky has two basic shapes of the blade. Straight, suited more to cut from the shoulders down and hooked, Which is preferable if most of the time you cut above shoulder level.
Mirai-Me (Bridge Silky saws)
- Teeth are divorced and are vbroušeny into a concave blade
- tooth is cut on 4 sides
- for even better cut fibers and removal of sawdust every fifth tooth cut mirror
- 4-Retsume (Hayauchi models, and Masaru Ibuki)
- concave teeth on the saw blade is elaborated Slightly
- tooth is cut on 4 sides
- for purity and effectiveness is cut every sixth tooth in a sawmill without detail
best grip
With some exceptions, When The handle Silky saws made of steel or aluminum, Silky Used to handle special rubber material - GOM. It has Several Major Advantages. Feels to the touch, this surface is very pleasant, Even in cold weather pleasantly warm and pliable surface thanks to handle pressuring Even after working all day. Furthermore Even slip in sweaty hands, Which in turn has a beneficial effect on the Entire conduit saws and Henco safety. The handle Also effectively absorbs vibrations Which Arise During cutting.
An Important feature Silky saws Is that saw the body extends in one piece through the Entire handle to the end. So never danger of breaking the blade edge at the Beginning of the handle, as some other drink, and Also When cutting Consists of a whole saw solid unit, Which does not bend in the handle. Checking the saw while cutting is so perfect.
When disassembling the handle changing the saw blade is ook Easily solved, and every user can handle Easily this operation alone.
Flawless ergonomics
In traditional saws sawing away from the body (pressure). In this cutting method Takes Mainly triceps, but in a different way from the usual nature of the his work. Work with time and after Becomes very tedious and Reduces the level of control. Additionally, the angle Between the Forearm, wrist and saw ergonomically awkward and increases the risk of inflammation of the carpal tunnel and called. Tennis elbow. For Silky saws to cut saws going on the road towards the body (tension). In this manner, cutting angles Between tool and arm ergonomically much better and moreover Takes Up The Strongest muscle in the arm - biceps. Work is so much less tiring Even after prolonged use.
The narrow profile of the blade, moreover, must be cut significantly less material Than other saws, Resulting in not only less friction but Also the vibration reduction up to 80%. Another Influence on the reduction of vibrations has a carbon Contained in the steel, Which absorbs vibrations. The result is less muscle fatigue Than Conventional When using saws.
The exemplary ergonomics and feel perfect at work, of course, contributes to the actual shape of the handle and the material from Which the handle is made. In many folding saws Silky moreover Regards the angle Between the handle and the saw blade set in two positions so as to position at different cutting methods as natural as possible.
Cutting with a saw Silky is very easy. At saw no need to push, it is better to let the sawmill alone and let the games do the work. Silky Saws Became the winner of Numerous comparative tests of hand saws (in our example. D-Test Magazine 2/2013).
easy maintenance
Teeth Silky saws distribute or May Not Even grind (Mirai-me). Even so; they last three times longer Than Conventional saws. Can grind your teeth only on some selected models with teeth 4-Retsume. Also proposition sharp teeth but last three times longer Than usual.
To clean the blade from resin residues gentle enough to use a solvent, And Then wipe with a cloth strip with a drop of oil. Sawmill keep in housing and protect it in storage before the long-term effects of moisture.
WIDEST selection
This catalog includes a range of the most commonly Used saws. Silky has however offer More than 100 models of saws (fixed, foldable, telescoping) with the length of the blade from 13 to 50 cm. If you are interested in any of the sawmill, just contact your dealer.

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