MagazínWhat are the options for shading the terrace?

Covering our favorite place is a very pleasant thing, but not necessary. However, shielding can be considered a necessity. High-quality shielding will undoubtedly prolong our stay in our favorite place, both during the most sunny heat and in mild unfavorable weather. It then depends on the type of shielding, its control technology, color and its own financial possibilities.

Covering our favorite place is a very pleasant thing, but not necessary. However, shielding can be considered a necessity. High-quality shielding will undoubtedly prolong our stay in our favorite place, both during the most sunny heat and in mild unfavorable weather. It then depends on the type of shielding, its control technology, color and its own financial possibilities.



Shading with a parasol falls into the category of very affordable products and can be bought by everyone. It is also a very simple solution to the shielding problem. Its undoubted advantage, however, is not only its purchase price but, in particular, the mobility of the parasol. Additionally, if we choose a high-quality product, we obtain a shield that is solid, imaginative, dirt-resistant and allows shading at different angles.

Fixed shielding

The awning represents a solid type of shield against the sun umbrella. Its advantage, however, is that the awning can be dimensionally adapted to the size of the garden sitting. In addition, it can be docked directly in the wall of the facade and there is no construction in the sitting area. Although the awnings are made of high-quality and durable fabrics, it is possible to fold the fabric in case of cassette awnings or cassette awnings, in case of shade need, thus extending its durability.

Rolling walls

Side shading can be solved in garden sitting with vertical roller walls. They are an excellent solution against low sunlight and wind. Rolling walls work similarly to outdoor blinds. Using the remote control, the roller walls can be tightened and completely enclosed by a non-blowing space from which the heat dissipates and protects us from outside.

Control of shield elements

Venetian blinds, blinds and awnings can be comfortably controlled by a remote control that can be wirelessly connected to the sensor. This sensor responds to a greater change in weather. At high sunlight, the awning or roller shutter spontaneously unfolds and shades, and in the event of greater wind or sudden change of weather to the worse the blind or the awning itself is blamed. Of course, the user can control the control separately.