Do you like fruit and vegetables of all kinds? Do you know the difference between greenhouses and greenhouse?
Do you like fruit and vegetables of all kinds? Do you know the difference between glass
greenhouses and plastic sheet greenhouse?

Plastic greenhouse is a simple construction. Its purpose is to protect the plants from direct sunlight, rain and wind. People often think that it is a cheaper option greenhouse. Plastic sheet does not allow year-round cultivation of vegetables and plants as a greenhouse does. Another function of the greenhouses is to prevent rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil. On the other hand, can not protect the plants from its ground frost.
greenhouse has a steel structure of galvanized profiles and is coated with polyethylene laminated film, which can be replaced if necessary. Installation is very simple, it is also possible plastic sheet any time as needed to move, which at a greenhouse can not. They must be well secured, so that he blow wind or damage.
Plastic sheet to be confused with a greenhouse, serves only to protect plants.
A greenhouse will allow year-round cultivation of plants
For those who want front-growing plants or grow them all year round, it is a better option greenhouse. Suitable greenhouses made of polycarbonate, which are very resistant, have excellent thermal insulation properties and their maintenance is quite easy. Another option are greenhouses with conventional glass. It is necessary to have a greenhouse sufficient windows for ventilation.
Also, a greenhouse can do to build your own. For its location in the garden is not necessary building permit. U Series models is not necessary to prepare a concrete retaining wall. The models are available with a sufficiently solid base.
Greenhouses can be bought in various sizes, it is possible to bask, unless there are growing more vulnerable and exotic plants, as well as illuminate. Greenhouses can be built as part of a house wall or free-standing, that utilize all day sun. Comb greenhouse extend from north to south, so that in the morning sun supported by its long sides and at noon, when intense sunlight, acted rays just a small part of the greenhouse.