A safer option for cutting wood rocker saw. Classical circular saw was quite a dangerous machine when, for example, broke off a branch directly against you. Modern Radial directly aimed at cutting firewood are much safer.
Any good workshop should have a table circular saw. It is a multifunctional tool that enables to cut wood for the winter, cut to fit Seats on the fence, etc.

Circular is a good servant but a dangerous master
The term most often introduce a circular saw saw a big wheel. Only in the past there were many accidents caused by improper handling of this machine. People still produce dangerous circular. Circular is a forerunner of today's modern circular saws.
Why is it so popular circular saw?
Classical table circular saw offers a wide range of uses. Good disc and ample power machines allow you during the day to cut large amounts of firewood. Dangerous getting when you replace the disk for less and do not use protective cover for cutting smaller wood surfaces.
A safer option for cutting
wood rocker saw. Classical circular saw was quite a dangerous machine when, for example, broke off a branch directly against you. Modern Radial directly aimed at cutting firewood are much safer.
Wood circular motion to take place in the cradle. You do not have to push so the wood force on the table. Circular cradle take very cheaply.
To cut a long rip cuts, certainly no Table saw not. Even with the cheapest model you can do straight cuts, and above all, safe.
The wheel can be easily replaced, as well as adjust the height of the blade, easy to adjust the cutting guide. On some types of cutting all you need a circular saw or reciprocating saw.
Instead of buying an old circular dangerous bazaar would rather invest in a rocker saw. So invest in their safety and their loved ones. Offer modern and safe equipment is very diverse. Likewise, you can buy a replacement wheels and other accessories, according to their needs.