If we want to establish a new lawn during the year, we have to respect the specifics of the given season.
If we want to establish a new lawn during the year, we have to respect the specifics of the given season.

Basic steps
Some steps are invariable. These include the removal of weeds. The most efficient use of non-selective herbicides is to remove all plant species. These products are applied with respect to the actual weather. Then we modify, model the terrain, and sprinkle the soil through the
aerator. We must start with these adjustments in good time to make the ideal time for sowing grass seeds. After molding and aerating the soil, the soil should rest for at least three weeks in order to lose it. If we hurry, any unevenness created by the gradual sedimentation of the earth may unpleasantly surprise us.
Spring sowing of grass seeds
If we are sowing in the spring season, it is recommended that April to early May. It depends especially on the ideal soil moisture and temperature (15-20 °). With increasing temperature, the water consumption for seed irrigation is proportional. Low temperature below 10˚C threatens the young stalks with the formation of molds. In the milder winter, it is assumed that the temperature will be much higher in April, so it is possible to shift the sowing by the end of March, but the soil must not be frozen, the fossil consistency of the soil is ideal.
Selection of grass mixtures
When choosing a grass mix, consult a specialist, otherwise a different grass mixture is appropriate for each purpose. Additionally, it is good to respect the possibilities of soil, or to find new soil. Do not treat too much grass seeds. Grass mixtures from the hypermarket are not worth it. A high quality mix will guarantee you a nice and durable lawn. Grass seed is sown manually or using seed drills. Then spread the whole lawn in a continuous layer with a thin layer of substrate. For this purpose, the hand-held spreader is well served.
Irrigation of the lawn
After sowing, irrigation is absolutely necessary for the good condition of germinating seeds. The spring season records in this case because the soil is sufficiently dampened after the winter. The frosts also rid her of any pests or diseases. Approximately one month, keep the sowing area constantly moist. After that it is no longer necessary to irrigate the lawn daily, enough to irrigate the third day. If we have the possibility of using rainwater, the irrigation system is very suitable for
automatic irrigation.
Cutting versus mowing the grass
First mowing the grass is done at a stem height of about 10 cm. We shorten the stems to about 5 cm. We shorten the blades very gently with respect to their even weak root system. Further mowing intervals are governed by the intensity of grass growth and climatic conditions.
Which mower to choose
On a small area, a
spindle mower, which lacks the lawn but actually cuts, suffices. It is a very gentle and economical method of lawn treatment, for the young stalks of grass very suitable. However, on large surfaces, you may need to get a rotary mower. Gasoline, electric or accelerator. Manipulation with these mowers makes it easy to drive.