The jigsaw is used for processing wood and chipboard, plastic, as well as ceramics or metal. Handles short and straight cuts, but also various cutouts and curves. Thanks to its versatility, the jigsaw integral part of every workshop.
The jigsaw is used for processing wood and chipboard, plastic, as well as ceramics or metal. Handles short and straight cuts, but also various cutouts and curves. Thanks to its versatility, the jigsaw integral part of every workshop.

How to choose a jigsaw
Jigsaw can be used mainly for short cuts. Pila has a slow speed and can cause cuts at longer inaccuracies. At the upper edge may carve chips, which can be solved attachment against chipping. The jigsaw is especially suitable for thinner materials.
Jigsaws following tips:
- hobby jigsaws - handed models lesser burden
- Professional jigsaws - two-handed models with a raised grip and higher speed and greater precision in cutting, also have lower noise and less vibration
Jigsaw select by:
input - the Sawzall has more power, the longer it can operate without overheating
cutting speed - wood is suitable for a given speed, the other materials optional
pendulum action - plate saws when cutting moves forward and backward, thus producing a lower resistance when cutting
service and handle - you can buy a one-handed or two-handed žehličkové jigsaws with mushroom handle on the left hand.
base plates - to move the saw after cutting material. Some models even allow you to set the required inclination.
ease of exchanging plates - for each material is used different saw plate and is therefore important easy exchange and easy handling
optional accessories - such laser pointer, exhaustion Pillin, etc.
You can also buy cordless jigsaws. They have, however, in comparison with models for electricity weaker performance and need to be recharged. It's up to you what you prefer.