What does mulching mean? The mulch method is one of the ways of lawn care. And it consists in the ecological disposal of cut grass and weeds. The rotary mower with a special knife cuts the grass stalks into small pieces and they remain on the lawn when they are cut down, where they gradually become decayed, greyish and as a fertilizer improve the quality of the lawn.
What does mulching mean? The mulch method is one of the ways of lawn care. And it consists in the ecological disposal of cut grass and weeds. The
rotary mower with a special knife cuts the grass stalks into small pieces and they remain on the lawn when they are cut down, where they gradually become decayed, greyish and as a fertilizer improve the quality of the lawn.

What you can mulch
Any grassy areas, but also raids and weeds can be mulched. Mulching is an easier way than the subsequent disposal of the cropped grass. Burning grass and weeds is forbidden and the only way to get rid of cut grass is to have a large enough
compost or mulch grass.
Advantages and disadvantages of mulching
If we mulch, we prevent the growth of weeds. We protect the soil from drying out. And after spreading the cut grass, there is a fertilizer that is beneficial to the lawn. We ecologically dispose of cut grass, all with time saving and less physical effort. Mulching is currently coming back to the scene, but even though many multifunctional rotary mowers are being adapted to the mulch, misconduct can cause harm to the lawn.
When not to dull
If the lawn is too thin, it is preferable not to lawn the lawn. It is also not appropriate to mow too much grass for mulching. Here is better to collect during mowing in the collecting basket and export to the compost. For mulching it is advisable to shorten the grass by about two centimeters. Also, it is not advisable to mulch during each mowing of the grass so that the mowing grass has time to decompose. Just mulch once in a month.
If we have the grass too high, it can be cut down a lot with the multifunction mower. We let the grass, let it fall for at least three days, and then we cut her again. During the second mowing, we cut back the already cut grass piles and evenly spread the mulch over the lawn.