Heating infrared panels produces radiant heat, which is distributed evenly around the room. It is not necessary to overheat the room so as with conventional heating up to avoid unnecessary losses. Once the room is heated, the thermostat switches off the panel and then the room is heated by accumulated heat sucked walls, ceiling, flooring and other items. Heating panels so operate 8-9 hours from 24 hours. Consumption has been falling rapidly over time.
infrared panels produces radiant heat, which is distributed evenly around the room. It is not necessary to overheat the room so as with conventional heating up to avoid unnecessary losses. Once the room is heated, the thermostat switches off the panel and then the room is heated by accumulated heat sucked walls, ceiling, flooring and other items. Heating panels so operate 8-9 hours from 24 hours. Consumption has been falling rapidly over time.

Infrared heating saves your health
Often confronted with the question whether infra panels harmful to our health. Infrared waves are technically called heat and gives each element that generates heat. Infra panels emit heat on the same wavelength as the sun, so you can feel like the sun.
It also has infrared heating effects on our health because basking walls and mold or fungi have no chance to multiply in the room. Infrared rays also has beneficial effects on back pain, rheumatic problems and the flu and colds.
In order to properly heat up the room heater ...
To give you the infrared heaters heat up the room properly, it is important to first calculate how much is needed to buy panels. Retailers often offer panel with much less horsepower than a given room needs, then you have no choice but to buy another. Reliable technology ensures that you infra panels will operate for decades without failure. There is also no need to take a periodic review.
Advantages of using infra panels:
- saving on heating costs
- uniform heating of the room
- prevent the spread of mold and fungus
- effect on your health
- spread-air large amount of dust
Infrared emitters can also use on the terraces, to heat the workshops or garages, the cellars, basements, but also to the winter garden, a
wellness center, locker rooms, commercial buildings, etc.