The lawn to thrive well, it is necessary to pay enough care throughout the year. Nice lawn pleasing to the eye, but its quality will know until the green carpet stand bare legs.
The lawn to thrive well, it is necessary to pay enough care throughout the year. Nice lawn pleasing to the eye, but its quality will know until the green carpet stand bare legs.

Why is it necessary to lawn vertikutovat
For strong and healthy stalks of grass it is important to allow sufficient airflow. Therefore, the grass grows better when the soil is not beaten, but sufficiently aerated and achieve conventional rake. Soil is necessary to aerate in depth and for this purpose are suitable
vertikutátory (from Eng. Vertical cut, or vertical slice).
This special machine is given a similar
rotary mower, but the structures vary considerably. The system verticutter a rotating shaft with sharp claws or knives. Verticutter we choose not only by price, but especially the size and complexity of the surface on which it will be used. Vertikutátory are electric and gasoline.
Comparison of electric and gasoline vertiktátorů
Vertikutátory with electric drive far less engine power than gasoline, but also have lower weight and so it is with them easier to handle. However, they are more suitable for smaller gardens. Vertikutátory with petrol engines are more durable than the electrical chassis. Thanks to the higher output may have a greater breadth of coverage and are suitable for the maintenance of large surfaces. Gas-powered equipment is suitable not only for a larger, but also more rugged areas.
Are preferable knives or nails?
Scarifier works on the basis of rotation of rotating shaft with sharp claws or knives. Verticutter with claws serve, rather raking thatch and refining lawn. Scarifier knives disrupts top of the soil to a depth of several centimeters. As with the lawnmower can regulate the depth of cut. Some machines have the ability to use both of these functions together. They have two shafts. For other shaft machines can be easily exchanged.
It is necessary to have Verticutter bagger?
During scarifying the lawn felt drawn into the trash. If Verticutter bagger does, it is necessary to clean up the remnants of felt using garden tools. We felt from the lawn to collect also use the lawnmower. Acquisition catcher is undoubtedly the only benefit.