You love to travel and this caravan is an option for you swear? Do not forget to protect it and get a shelter for caravan. How do you choose?
You love to travel and this caravan is an option for you swear? Do not forget to protect it and get a
shelter for caravan. How do you choose?

Garaging and protection of the car is for many people a matter of course. If, for you alone, you should not forget that the only car you need to protect. If you are an avid travelers and have your own caravan or are considering the acquisition, do not forget the shelter for caravan. Here are some tips on how to shelters for caravans confess, respectively, according to what you should choose yours.
Shelters for campers choose mainly by size
A key factor is the right size, the shelter should be at least proportionate to the size of the caravan itself, but the ideal is to buy slightly larger, making it easy entrance, parking, move around the caravan. And in the case of a later purchase a larger caravan do not have to again deal with the purchase of a new shelter. For example, the purchase of a broader shelter it can then simultaneously serve for parking caravan and car at the same time.
How to choose the material?
The important thing is of course that was tough, weather resistant, requiring zero or minimal maintenance while providing shelter longevity. So you have to choose among aluminum, and wood shelters for the caravan. Alternatively tarpaulin variant.
Besides the construction material, then you should pay attention to the roofing material that should parked caravan reliably protect against hail and UV radiation (overheating of the interior), and, of course, would have no problem withstanding the greatest snow loads. The best solution in this case is polycarbonate / lexan.
Do not forget the price
If you need a shelter for caravan in the shortest time and at an affordable price, consider buy so-called ready-made shelter for caravan, a solution that will receive disassembled and ourselves it is assembled, possibly entrust assembly firm, compared with a tailored solution is generally a much cheaper . There are commercially available in various sizes, but also the design implementation, so you can easily select exactly what you need.