Read how to choose clothes horse to suit you perfectly.
How to choose a shelter for karavanPřečtěte how to choose clothes horse to suit you perfectly.
Clotheshorse you do not know just in a classic sofa design, intended primarily for the
interior, but due to the fact that the fastest laundry dries out, we look at the
outdoor clotheshorse.

How to choose the clothes dryer? Start sizesImportant are primarily the correct dimensions, which should reflect your individual needs and thus take into account the frequency of washing and the number of persons in the household, so that the drying surface ideally fit all at once. Alternatively, to peg seamlessly fit into the compartment and allow a comfortable and fast operation.
How is it anchored?
In the case of anchoring the dryer has a choice of three options now - demanding anchoring in concrete, which also ensures dryer unshakable stability, or anchor to a wall or facade, then the simplest classical anchoring, whose advantage is the possibility of a future move dryer.
Do not forget the accessories
Furthermore, we choose the equipment itself also by a dryer for: the length of the cord, or accessories in the form of practical hooks for hanging hangers. Or similar solutions for suspension of smaller pieces of laundry without the use of conventional pins. It is advisable to look in the price of spare components.
Think of practicality
What can be connected? Maybe that clotheshorse be removable or folding, which is very convenient because you will not have to use the dryer, for example, only in the garden. Likewise, it may throw presence rails protecting the cord from dirt to ensure you have the certainty that your freshly washed clothes, even after removing the cord clean.