If part of your garden or house wooden pergola, it is necessary to properly care for her. With the proper care will extend not only her life but also her appearance. After a pergola is assembled, it is necessary to take care of her.
If part of your garden or house
wooden pergola, it is necessary to properly care for her. With the proper care will extend not only her life but also her appearance. After a pergola is assembled, it is necessary to take care of her.

How to maintain pergolas
In the event that your pergola has a wooden floor, avoid covering her impermeable covering which prevents the floor to breathe.
Surface design:
Pergolas paint surface protective coating. In case the wooden pergola Untreated wood, dial coating containing fungicide and insecticide agents. Impregnation penetrates deep into the wood and protects it against mold, rot and parasites such as various wood-decaying fungi. It also increases the absorption of the base, you can use it as a base layer for further treatment. Prior to paint application is needed pergola sanded and cleaned.
The final adjustment is appropriate glazing paint. Wood protection while not hiding his beautiful structure. Pergola sure to check regularly refreshed as needed paint.
Wood as a natural material adapts to weather conditions, changes in humidity conditions. The inner surfaces can be treated with wax or transparent varnish.
Protecting pergola in winter:
Pergolas can handle normal snow loads, but in the case of large amounts of snow as soon as possible to remove the pergola. Walls pergolas also burden the excessive burden, as well as interfere in construction.
In the case of pollution pergola can keep using special detergents designed for exterior wood. The same device can also maintain the garden furniture that is part of your pergola.
Pergola can be painted when outdoor temperatures are in the range of 5-25 ° C. Do not apply the paint in case of heavy sunlight, in rain and strong winds. Humidity must be less than 30%, while more than 80%.