You have a garden and you love roasting or grilling? Learn how to build outdoor fireplace. The possibilities are more.
You have a garden and you love roasting or grilling? Learn how to build outdoor fireplace. The possibilities are more.

We begin a full classic that fits mainly grills a classic grill chicken. Just a few centimeters to dig up the clay, and the diameter of the circle. Put around stones or bricks and you're done. Instructions on how to build outdoor
fireplace really simply, this is over.
Try a brick variant
Unless you is a better design that can be part of the free space in your garden or gazebo or pergola, try to build outdoor fireplace in a brick variant. What do you need? Bricks and fasteners - thus Malta. Decide if you will have a classic round shape, and much more practical rectangular. Hearth size should reflect on whether to rely only on traditional grill chicken, sausages and other typical dishes, or perhaps even a whole pig roasting.
Basically you just selected areas only revet and fireplace, therefore barbecue area for a variety of delicacies is completed.
How to build outdoor fireplace differently? try fireplace
The second option to build outdoor fireplace, is an alternative in the form of fire. The process is similar as before. Again, the need to building materials, but in this case has not live without a need experienced. At the same time it is a cost-demanding solution.
Buy a ready-made solution
If you are not manually skilled, you do not have enough experience or time, is the perfect choice acquisition of finished portable fireplace that stand virtually anywhere and is immediately ready for use. Portable fire pit are also affordable.
Likewise, you can also buy a brick fireplace when the package you get not only the modified blocks, as well as assembly instructions.