Do you have a child and want to have fun in the garden? Then you might be interested in learning how to build a children's garden house.
Do you have a child and want to have fun in the garden? Then you might be interested in learning how to build a children's garden house.
Garden playhouse for children can be a perfect alternative to classical garden house or cottage. However, it is designed exclusively for children. They serve not only as a place for toys, but their own private space where they can spend time alone or with friends and reshape it in their heads to the fortress or castle princess's chamber ...
How to build a children's garden house yourself?
The first option is specified true yourselfers. When children not only design the house, but also you can buy all the material that will be needed for construction. The ideal, of course, timber, preferably in the form of planks. This should be included:
Such a structure may emerge but also relatively expensive, despite the time invested, or that you will likely face a number of challenges. If we look at the typical ones, can be a frequent complication of inappropriate methods of connection walls and floors. The problem bivalve be connected and build a house roof or realization of insulation to the inside leaking. Furthermore, you must not forget the wood well sanded, painted and preferably also to ensure that anywhere nevykukovaly screws or nails. It is therefore obvious that this should be sufficient time and skill.
How to build a children's garden house almost without work?
If you do the above procedure seems unnecessarily complex, not far from the truth. Let us, therefore, on how to build a children's garden house easily. With children's garden house in the form of kits for self-assembly.
If you purchase will come to you in a box, completely decomposed. Your only task will be fitting. It is easy and fast, usually completed within a few tens of minutes. Because everything is carefully prepared, the pieces to fit the person perfectly and everything is designed so that the installation was done only with the minimum necessary actions. The result is an elegant, durable, long-lasting house. And at an affordable price.
Choose the size, color and material
While the classic self-help construction will be constrained mainly by a single material - timber with the kit is the choice of many variants - from the dimensions, spatial layout, design and color. Many models are equipped with a slide, a veranda and a sandpit. In recent years, again particularly popular children's wooden houses, but available are of course also
plastic playhouses, which are also maintenance free.