Whether garage is part of a house or stand separately, security should be a priority. What are the options?
Whether garage is part of a house or stand separately, security should be a priority. What are the options?

Quality gates are necessity
Just as we protect our home with quality doors, our garage need quality gate. It is clear that the ordinary, the lowest quality, overcomes every thief relatively simply and easily. Quality gates can withstand burglary.
You also need a good lock
Lock usually goes hand in hand with the gate. Today, we can either use the classic lock cylinder, or padlock. Of course it depends on the specific design of the garage. Select the Right is ideal according to which falls safety class - numbered 1 to 4, which
indicates various degrees of protection:- Basic protection
- Enhanced protection
- High protection
- Very high protection
How secure garage? install alarm
Here you can go right in two possible ways. The first path are systems that are connected to the ARC, or other security services. Such a solution is usually used for garages that are part of the family house. Specific security garage is related to the security of the entire building. If violation occurs, it is immediately transmitted signal, as can chime alarm, or may cause other similar forms of notice.
A second way to secure garage is associated more with the private security. They could even be different IP cameras or motion sensors that warn us as the owner of the garage that something was unusual. To us to assess the situation and contacted police. As an alternative in this case can be used even called fotopasti which also offer and the individual motion detectors.