MagazínErgonomics garden furniture

Ergonomics deals with the relationship between man towards the environment. Due to the furniture, this means that the size, position and shape of furniture should be subordinate to human needs. The same ergonomic rules apply to garden furniture. These rules are based on knowledge of anthropometry, science dealing with the dimensions of the human body. And although every individual is different, standards have been developed respecting the physical dimensions and potential users is the need to build the manufacture of garden and other furniture.

April 10, 2017
Ergonomics deals with the relationship between man towards the environment. Due to the furniture, this means that the size, position and shape of furniture should be subordinate to human needs. The same ergonomic rules apply to garden furniture. These rules are based on knowledge of anthropometry, science dealing with the dimensions of the human body. And although every individual is different, standards have been developed respecting the physical dimensions and potential users is the need to build the manufacture of garden and other furniture.

Seating furniture

By this we mean especially chairs, armchairs and sofas of various types. Their different dimensions and bevel angles affect the user, as well as medical facilities. Critical dimensions, determining the quality of the sessions are sitting height, seat angle and a support surface, but also the shape and dimensions of the armrests.

Sitting height

Seat height chairs or armchairs is derived from the height of the drumstick from the floor when the leg bent at a right angle. When the measurement start from the female population. Men had a lower seating position does not matter much as women. We start from the health point of view when sitting too high causing not only discomfort, but also leads to compression of the blood vessels below the knee and insufficient blood circulation in the legs. The optimum height of the chair seat is therefore in the range from 420 to 480 mm.

Area seats

This area is determined by the depth and width of the chair seat. The depth is derived from the length of the femur. Too a large depth leads to compression of the popliteal vessels and nerves. Shallow depth then fails to provide sufficient support body. A suitable depth of the seat is in the range from 360 to 450 mm. Seat width should allow changing the position of the seats and the widest seats should be at least 360 mm in terms of seating with armrests, this must be a minimum dimension of 390 mm.

The inclination of the seat and backrest

The slight inclination of the seat prevents slipping backwards seated on chairs or armchairs. The optimum angle between the seat and the floor is between 2 - 5˚. While the inclination rests, determines a direct correlation between the seat and the headrest. With the increasing tendency of the sleeve is seated more hyperextended and its weight is transferred from the seat on the arm of a chair or armchair. The maximum angle between the seat and the backrest is 110˚.


Armrests for increased comfort garden furniture seating. They make it easier to sit down and stand up. Their height is in the range of 180- 240 mm from the seat and the optimal length is at least 420 mm.

Tables for garden

Table height would be appropriate to complement the height of our chosen furniture to sit. We choose a different table for conference seating and another as a dining table (height 750 mm). In the dining tables it is good to remember also that there is sufficient space for the boarder on the table plate (dm2plochy least 24 per user).


If you are considering the purchase of garden furniture, it is advisable to visit a showroom where you can try out a suitable garden furniture. In addition, knowledgeable experts will advise you on how to care for fine furniture.