The winter gardens of today serve not only for planting and resting. If the winter garden space is planned efficiently, it can also be successfully used to gain energy from the sun.
The winter gardens of today serve not only for planting and resting. If the winter garden space is planned efficiently, it can also be successfully used to gain energy from the sun.

Passive energy system
Just like
greenhouses in gardens, the so-called greenhouse effect can be used in the conservatory to use sunlight as a passive power source. Sunbeams that hit the surface of the winter garden cladding heat up not only the glazed surfaces, but also the air in the winter garden area. However, the power of the radiation is directly proportional to the season and, in particular, to the orientation of the winter garden towards the world.
Thermal losses
The winter garden can serve as an energy bumper. Because it will significantly affect the heat loss of the living space behind the garden. The space of the winter garden is then a natural transition between the exterior and the interior and can be used to make energy gain, even if it is a winter garden seasonal and thus unheated. In the case of
year-round winter gardens, these energy gains are more significant.
He hurts all power
If the winter garden would not be adequately shielded and ventilated, it would not be possible to stay there for a long time. Therefore, it is advisable to overshadow the winter garden. This can naturally be done by growing vegetation, special window foils or using roller shutters, marquises or blinds. Externally, the shielding type can be considered more suitable. Optimal is the use of an automatic sensor system that will control the ventilation and shading of the winter garden.
Year-round winter gardens and their economical operation
To make the operation of a temperate winter garden less energy intensive, it is advisable to choose well-insulating materials that have the possibility of heat accumulation. It also depends on the proper integration of the winter garden into the house and its orientation to the world. Last but not least, it is important to choose not only high quality materials for construction but also insulating glass for covering the winter garden.
Realization of the winter garden
With the realization of the winter garden, we should, at the planning stage, turn to experts with tradition. It is advisable to use the opportunity to visit the demonstration center, where some types of winter gardens can be explored and the benefits and pitfalls of the type of winter garden can be ascertained.