Depending on the location of the pool, the pools are divided into above ground, partly recessed and recessed into the ground. The embedded garden pool is less exposed to weather, has a longer life, users have better access to water and is generally more comfortable than pools partially recessed or overground. But how do you choose when there are so many different types of recessed pools? What's different?
Depending on the location of the pool, the
pools are divided into above ground, partly recessed and recessed into the ground.
The embedded garden pool is less exposed to weather, has a longer life, users have better access to water and is generally more comfortable than pools partially recessed or overground. But how do you choose when there are so many different types of recessed pools? What's different?

Recessed composite pool
These pools fit both indoors and outdoors. They can have a multi-level bottom. The pool walls are made of a composite structure and bearing struts. The pool body must be placed on a leveling ring. So is the bottom. Geotextiles are placed on the concrete floor and the pool foil is suspended in the pool. Here it is necessary to replace the wear. Before the pool bed is concreted, it is necessary to prepare all the accessories - piping, lighting, skimmer,
Recessed fiberglass pool
Fiberglass pools are characterized by great durability and durability. The swimming pool is monolithic and compact. It is placed on a concrete slab with a polystyrene pad. Then the installation of the accessories is followed and the pool bathtub is embedded in the bed. Fiberglass can be expected to be more durable than foliar pools. The fiberglass wall is made of thermal insulation made of PE foam, glass fiber reinforcement and protective layer, which also includes a UV filter.
Recessed ceramic pool
Ceramic pools are made up of a monolithic core made of four-layer composite. Material based on high strength fiber. The pool is also equipped with an integrated staircase. This type of swimming pool must be placed on a solid reinforced concrete slab.
Recessed overflow pool
Overflow swimming pool is a very modern solution. All over the edge of the pool there is a spillway, from which water flows into the filtering device. This technology does not require the construction of leveling tanks, and yet perfect circulation and filtration of water is ensured. Pools are made of polypropylene (PP). Of course there is an integrated staircase.
Recessed concrete pool
Concrete pools are usually supplied to order. Pools can be produced in various shape modifications thanks to the so-called active formwork. It is a formwork made of high-quality recycled high-strength. Polyethylene (PEHD) and is poured by concrete with a concrete pump.
The pool body is placed on a reinforced concrete wreath. The pool includes an integrated staircase and an integrated filter unit.
Recessed stainless steel pool
One of the latest pool types is a stainless steel pool. This is the best quality of the pool, but its disadvantage is the very high purchase price.